Monday, May 11, 2009

Experimenting with This Blog

Just experimenting with the blog. How does this look in color?

Can you read this or is it too small?

I'm feeling very centered right now!

My left justified doesn't know what

my right justified is doing!

  1. First things first

  2. Two be or not two be


  1. Love it! It's neat to futz with all the different things you can do, isn't it?

    Oh, and like I commented on the main blog: if, as you play, you don't see a good application of this tool for you or your patrons, you're not married to blogging. These technologies are supposed to be tools, not commands - but it will be interesting to see how your progress goes in the course! Can't wait to read more...


  2. OK - the most playful blog post I've seen yet. Rock ON!

  3. One of my college friends and I used to say to each other, "Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should." (Often it was as we were walking out of a movie theater. Coincidence? Probably not.) Anyways, I think all technologies are like that--they can be put to good uses, or they can be a waste of time.

    I think it's really good to be familiar with them, though, because then when a project or program comes up and you are trying to think of the best way to handle it, you have more tools in your arsenal. You don't have to use them, but you can if it's easier than hacking together something else.

    But I certainly would agree that you shouldn't use tools (like blogs) just because they exist.

    Also, your dog is adorable, and I cannot pronounce mindblogole three times fast.
